Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Nothing Ambiguous In This Job Description
Could THE GREATEST SHOWMAN Be Coming to Broadway?
You Can Now Study ‘Get Out’ Online
[New post] “The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey” at City Theatre
wkarons posted: "On the other end of the spectrum from Rules of Seconds is the one-person show The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey, by James Lecesne. Where the former features a spectacularly aggressive display of alpha-male peacocking, the latter centers on the sto"

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Repairing Cheap Furniture With Simple Tools
Why We Applaud When Woody Allen Insults Women
Hal Prince and HAMILTON's Jeffrey Seller Will Talk Storytelling, Directing and Producing Broadway Hits on New Sirius XM Series
Monday, January 29, 2018
STEAM not STEM: Why scientists need arts training
Paula Vogel’s Presidents’ Day Challenge: Set ‘Ubu’ In The White House | Deadline
Podcast Episode 147 – Tony Award-Winning Director, Walter Bobbie
Sunday, January 28, 2018
[New post] “Rules of Seconds” at barebones productions
wkarons posted: "I've come to expect that a barebones production will involve, at some level, an investigation of masculinity. Barebones' artistic director Patrick Jordan seems drawn to plays that feature hyper-masculine characters – a character type he clearly revels in "

Survey: Being a female artist in pop is a ‘lonely’ field
Fractured feminism and “Citizen Rose”
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Friday, January 26, 2018
Steve Wynn, casino mogul and RNC finance chairman, accused of widespread sexual harassment
Song Publisher Agrees "We Shall Overcome" Is in Public Domain in Legal Settlement
How do you ruin 'Joseph'? Try setting it in Vegas - Chicago Tribune
Gem Theatre – Cairo, IL
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Paul Roustan: ‘Blast from the Past’
Megan Hilty Returns to Caf� Carlyle This April
Harvey Weinstein's Ex-Assistant Sues for Harassment, Says He Regularly Dictated Emails Naked
How a Tennis Match Changed the Conversation
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Stoy Has Best Seats in the House
Art Talk with Woolly Mammoth Artistic Director Howard Shalwitz
Garrison Keillor’s alleged misconduct far worse than originally stated report claims
Exclusive: Catching up with the Original Phantom, Michael Crawford as THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA Turns 30 on Broadway
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
The Oscars shut out “Wonder Woman,” a film that never needed their validation anyway
When People are the Product: Why Reliance on Young Artist Programs May Lead to Financial Ruin for…
Monday, January 22, 2018
Korg Unveils Flagship Prologue Synth
How “Wonder Woman 2″ is already making history
Podcast Episode 146 – Tony Nominated Director, Sheryl Kaller.
Sunday, January 21, 2018
How student newspapers are tackling campus sexual assault
Saturday, January 20, 2018
msnbc: What happens if you insult a Morning Joe ‘technician’
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